Cultivation and Development of Medicinal plants

Gathering native medicinal species of IRAN for establishing Gene Bank of Iranian medicinal plants in order to domesticating, improving and reaching access to valuable medicinal plants.

Production of bio-herbicide, bio-pesticide and bio-fungicide.

Settling of production and presentation of seed and sapling the medicinal plants in Iran.

Studying the effects of environmental factors on quality and quantity of medicinal plants.

Documenting technology and knowledge in the form of a books or articles.

Professional services:
- Collection, identification, and evaluation of different species and populations of endemic medicinal plants of Iran.

- Study of Agronomical agents and components on quality and quality of medicinal metabolites and agronomical characters of medicinal plants.

- Optimization of cultivation and production of medicinal plants with the aim of improvement in quality, quantity, and economy of medicinal plants.

- Floristic study of protected and unprotected areas (including collection of herbarium specimens, photography in fields, Identification and preparation of distribution map for plants and provide of plant seeds).

- Ethno-botanical investigation and documentation of medicinal plants usages in traditional medicine of different regions of country.

- Identification of different plant species and offer of valid Herbarium code number.

- Identification of different plant seeds and offer of valid seed bank code number.

- Preparation, deposition, and offering of credible Herbarium specimens of medicinal plants

- Preparation, deposition and offering of credible seeds of medicinal plants.

- Domestication of wild plant species from natural habitats of country.